It’s easy to use too! There are numbered cards distributed throughout the exhibition room. Simply input the number on the card into the handheld, and you’ll receive information on the display.
Hello, and welcome to the Fukuoka City Museum.
Positioned at the western end of the Japanese archipelago, Fukuoka City is located in northern Kyushu and faces the Japan Genkainada Sea. If concentric circles are drawn with Fukuoka City as the centre point, Osaka and Seoul, Korea are equidistant at five hundred kilometres, while Tokyo and Shanghai are both 1,000 kilometres away. Fukuoka is surprisingly close to foreign countries.
The permanent exhibition reflects Fukuoka’s historical exchange with foreign countries as an entrance to Japan. It also introduces the lives of the people residing here, and truly is a portrait of this region.
Interesting, isn’t it? There are 53 explanations like this recorded in the device! You may find it difficult to listen to all of them in just one day! For now, we are offering this service for free to those who participate in a feedback questionnaire. How about trying out the audio guide and becoming an expert on Fukuoka?
Posted by Takamura
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