
The Fukuoka City Museum will be fully closed until 2021/3/31(Wed) for partial renovation

●Period of Closure

2020/11/30 (Mon) ‐ 2021/3/31 (Wed)

・The period may be prolonged in accordance with the construction procedures.

・All of the museum’s facilities will be out of service during the aforementioned period.

●Places to be Renovated

・Power receiving and transforming system and toilet.

●About the National Treasure Gold Seal

The Gold Seal (National Treasure) is the Fukuoka City Museum’s most renowned collection. Due to the Fukuoka City Museum’s closure, the seal will be exhibited at the Fukuoka Art Museum. The schedule of the exhibit is as follows:

・Exhibition Period

2020/12/8 (Tue)‐ 2021/3/28 (Sun)

・Fukuoka Art Museum

1‐6 Ohori Koen, Chuo‐ku, Fukuoka city, Fukuoka prefecture, 810‐0051 Japan

Phone: +81‐(0)92‐714‐6051 Fax: +81‐(0)92‐714‐6071


9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (Last admission at 5:00 p.m.)


Mondays (or the following weekday if Monday falls on a national holiday)

Dec. 28th to Jan. 4th


Adults 200 yen / High school and university students 150 yen

*No charge for Junior High School Students and younger

Following gold seal‐related artifacts will also be alternately exhibited at the Fukuoka Art Museum

during the period mentioned above.

・Kinin‐ben (The first surveying report on the Gold seal written by Nanmei Kamei).

・Shikanoshima‐kinin‐shi (poem) : A poem written by Donei, a priest of the Sofukuji temple, who is also a younger brother of Nanmei Kamei.

・ Portrait of Naritaka Kuroda, who was a lord of the Kuroda family at the time the Gold seal was discovered.


#みんなでふりかえる福岡市博物館の思い出 エッセー 福岡市西区 60代女性







〔連載ブログ14〕空想美術読本 にらまれた鬼(疫病)はどうなる?





























(文・学芸課佐々木 画・みすみ)










「喰つみや かち栗ほとの 力昆布  栢莚」
















青砥五郎照綱(あおとごろうてるつな) 九代目三舛(みます)



恥かきの 素袍やむかし 鬼やらひ





















例えば、今年5月に、13代目市川團十郎白猿の襲名予定が発表されました。※現在、襲名披露公演は延期されていますが、ちょうどいま博多座では市川團十郎を襲名する予定の市川海老蔵特別公演が上演されています。新型コロナウイルスの影響で惜しくも中止された2月公演から半年以上、ようやく再開・再会できる舞台ですね。25()まで。 この13代目の襲名する俳名が「白猿」です。










「喰つみや かち栗ほとの 力昆布  栢莚」



さて、一体どんな意味なのでしょうか? 次回へつづきます。




【Treasures of Fukuoka】No. 14 Armor and Helmets Representing Military Exploits of Kuroda Nagamasa

Kuroda Nagamasa, the first lord of the Fukuoka Clan, is the one who established Fukuoka Castle and the castle town and founded the basis of the present-day Fukuoka city. His armor, helmets, and portrait were jointly designated as important cultural assets of Japan. They are the following four articles. Please have a look.





You may find them familiar, that’s no wonder. All of them belong to the Fukuoka City Museum collections and we exhibit them on various occasions. When we call them important cultural property, you would think that the designation was given to all individual items.

The fact is, the main object of the designation is ① 銀箔押一の谷形兜・黒糸威五枚胴具足(ぎんぱくおしいちのたになりかぶと・くろいとおどしごまいどうぐそく), and other objects are basically evidencing the value of the main article. Those supporting articles are equal to the main article in value and should be treated with the same degree of care. In this exhibition, we will exhibit them all in the same showcase to clearly show the connection between those articles.

In this article, I’d like to mainly talk about ①銀箔押一の谷形兜. According to Kuroda Jyuho Kojitsu (Studies on Important Treasures of the Kuroda Family), the helmet of this type was originally a signature item of Fukushima Masanori. The copy of the same helmet was given to Kuroda Nagamasa as a token of Fukushima’s Friendship when they were reunited after fighting. It was during the postwar period after the Korean Invasion. In exchange, Nagamasa gave him a copy of his signature helmet, Oosuigyu Wakidate Kabuto.

The attention-grabbing, uniquely shaped helmet is said to have been modeled after the legendary cliff called Ichino-tani. Legend said that Minamotono Yoshitsune, a famous samurai warrior in the Heian period, galloped down this steep cliff in the GenpeiBattle.

The helmet is often photographed from the front and the image doesn’t convey the steepness of the cliff much. So, I’d like to show you the side view of the helmet today.

It doesn’t even look like a cliff; it is more like a wall! Rock climbers would be able to climb it, but a horse would find it difficult to gallop down. It reminds me of a big wave, depicted in The Great Wave off Kanagawa, one of the Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji by Katsushika Hokusai.

Aside from that, the helmet is much worth the designation as it symbolizes the military exploits of Nagamasa and the history of the Kuroda family. The helmet was said to have been worn by Nagamasa in the battle of Sekigahara (September 1600) and he is wearing the helmet in his portrait (Fig.4), which is said to have portrayed his appearance in the battle of Sekigahara.

Lastly, I’d like to show you the rare rear view of the helmet. It looks chic, don’t you think?

【Treasures of Fukuoka】No. 13 Sword Mountings for Atakigiri (Important Cultural Property)

 The designation of important cultural property was given to this sword fitting, not to the sword. This is the sheath of Atakigiri, a sword of Kuroda Yoshitaka, the founder of the Fukuoka Clan, who is also known as Kanbyo-e or Josui.

The sheath is entirely wrapped in a sheet of gold, which is embossed in kin arare-ji structure. It’s audaciously designed by coating the bottom part in blue lacquer. The hilt is wrapped with shark skin tied with Fusube leather, and three paulownia crests in red, bronze and gold can be seen through the gap called "menuki." The butt cap called the "kashira" is in a high relief of a surging wave on its gold surface. On its ridge, the same design is inscribed on red bronze.

At its "kurigata", a protrusion on the sheath to keep the sword hanging in the right position, a "shitodome", or hole cover, which is made of pure gold, is attached.

The tip of the scabbard is covered with a silver metal part called the "kuwagata." The handguard is made of iron and in the shape of "kakumimi", a semi-square-like circle with a thick rim. Both sides of the handguard were entirely rasped in such a way that the lines radiate from the center to the rim.

The contrast of gold, silver, vermillion and green are very vivid. The gorgeous design represents the trend of the Momoyama period very well.

Inscription on the Bottom of the Metal Collar

The sword Atakigiri has a two-ply metal collar made of pure gold. On the bottom surface of the metal collar is inscribed “小判明寿”. The inscription confirms the fact that the metal collar was made by Umetada Myoju, a renowned metal smith of the Momoyama period, who is considered to be a pioneer of “新刀” swords, which were made popular in  the 16th to the 17th centuries. We can also assume that the whole scabbard was made under Myoju’s supervision.

“Sword Umetada Myoju, a resident of Nishijin in Yamashiro state” (Important Cultural Property stored at the Kyoto National Museum) is a sword made by Myoju, with the inscription “August. 1598 Don’t give it to anyone.“ Which means, in 1598, the swordsmith was already a priest and called himself “Myoju”. It tells us that the sword must have been made from 1598 to 1604, the year Yoshitaka (Josui) passed away. The sheath of the sword Heshikiri Hasebe (national treasure) is said to have been created imitating the Atakigiri’s sheath.

Both sheaths have refined kin-arare embossed patterns, in which one big nodule surrounded by six smaller nodules are neatly arranged. The Atakigiri’s sheath’s kin-arare motifs were more damaged compared to the Heshikiri Hasebe's, and the thread that covers the hilt is worn out. These traces prove that the sword was actually used in battle.

Close up of the Kin-arare motif of the Atakigiri’s sheath

The knife edge has the inscription “Bishu Osafune Sukesada” on the front side, and on its back, is inscribed “大永二二年八月日”, the date equivalent to August 1524. From these inscriptions, we can assume that the sword was made by Osafune Sukesada, who lived in Suebizen.

The Sword Atakigiri

The name of the sword “Ataki Giri” is taken from Kuroda Yoshitaka’s exploits in the conquest of Shikoku. According to the “Kuroda Family’s History” and the “Kuroda Family’s Treasure and Code of Etiquette”, Yoshitaka sailed to Awaji and took Yura castle, a castle of Atagi Kawachi no kami in present-day Hyogo prefecture. The sword was named Atakigiri (Ataki Slayer) because Yoshitaka used this sword when he killed Ataki Kawachi no kami.

The front side of the tang is inscribed with the swordsmith’s name, with “Atakigiri Wakige Otoshi” in gold inlay. The Atakigiri is a “meibutsu” (treasure sword that was registered as a masterpiece by government) and the Wakige Otoshi is a method of test cutting.

In test cutting, a real human body was used and the sharpness of the sword was determined by which body part the sword cut off. Wakige is a line which connects both armpits and it has a higher degree of difficulty compared to other body parts usually used in test cutting.

【ふくおかの名宝】鑑賞ガイド⑭ 黒田長政の武功を伝える甲冑と兜














(学芸課 髙山)




【ふくおかの名宝】観賞ガイド⑬ 拵が重要文化財! 重要文化財・金霰鮫青漆打刀拵


刀 名物「安宅切」の拵
刀 名物「安宅切」の拵 金霰鮫青漆打刀拵

鞘(さや)は返角(かえりづの)の先から鐺(こじり)まで霰地(きんあられじ)を圧(へ)し出した金の延べ板で巻き込み、腰元は青漆(せいしつ)塗りとする大胆なデザインとなっています。柄(つか)は朱塗りの鮫着せに薫韋巻(ふすべがわまき)を施し、目貫(めぬき)は赤銅金色絵桐紋三双(しゃくどうきんいろえ きりもんさんそう)、頭(かしら)は金無垢(きんむく)、縁(ふち)は赤銅で、ともに波濤(はとう)文様を肉彫りで表現しています。栗形(くりがた)の鵐目(しとどめ)は金無垢、鞘尻(さやじり)の鐺(こじり)は銀製の鍬形(ぎんくわがた)とします。鍔(つば)は鉄地で、やや角張った丸形に周縁をやや厚く肉取りした角耳で、表裏とも全面に日足鑢(ひあしやすり)をかけています。



 安宅切には金無垢二重鎺(にじゅうはばき)が付属します。この台尻(だいじり)の差表(さしおもて)側には「小判(こばん) 明寿(みょうじゅ)」の針書きがあり、桃山時代に活躍した金工師で、新刀鍛冶の祖と評される埋忠明寿(うめただみょうじゅ)の作になる鎺だと分かります。したがってこの拵も明寿の監修によって制作されたことが窺えます。明寿には重要文化財・刀 銘 山城国西陣住人埋忠明寿(花押)/慶長三年八月日他江不可渡之(たへこれをわたすべからず)(京都国立博物館蔵)があり、慶長3年(15988月以前に出家して明寿と名乗っていますので、その頃から孝高(如水)が没する慶長9年(1604)以前に制作されたことになります。国宝・圧切長谷部(へしきりはせべ)(福岡市博物館蔵)の拵はこの安宅切の拵を模して作られたものです。ともに金霰地は精密な造りで、大粒の周りに小粒が6粒、規則正しく緻密に配列されていますが、圧切の拵に比べ安宅切は、つぶれた金霰地が散見し、柄巻の汚れとともに使用された痕跡が明瞭です。 



金霰鮫青漆打刀拵の刀身 刀「安宅切」
刀 名物「安宅切」


 茎(なかご)の差表には作者銘のほかに金象嵌銘「あたき切 脇毛落(わきげおとし)」があります。これは名物としの名称と後世試し切りをした際の截断銘(さいだんめい)を刻んだものです。試し切りでは骨の多少により部位によって難易があり、脇毛は両手を上げた姿勢で両脇を結んだ線を指します。通常行う試し切りの部位より切るのが難しい箇所で、安宅切の切れ味の鋭さを表わしています。

(学芸課 堀本)

重要文化財 金霰鮫青漆打刀拵は、福岡市博物館開館30周年記念展「ふくおかの名宝」で、ともに重要文化財に指定されている刀「安宅切」とあわせて展示中です。また、この拵を模して作られた、国宝 刀「圧切長谷部」の拵も展示していますので、あわせてご覧ください。


【Treasures of Fukuoka】No.0 (Extra Edition) Ms. Gold Seal, National Treasure

(This is a fictional story based on historical fact)

I’m Ms. Gold Seal, made in China. I was born in Rakuyo (The place was then called Gokan) about 2000 years ago. I’m a shorty (2.2 centimeters tall), but everyone adores me for my everlasting beauty that hasn’t changed a bit after 2000 years. My father was a very noble person! The Chinese Emperor Guangwu! It was so regrettable that he passed away* right after I was born.

*Chinese Emperor Guangwu passed away in 57 AC, which is the same year he bestowed the seal to the envoys of Na county.

Before my father died, people from an eastern island came to see him. They suddenly said “May I have your daughter?” My father instantly replied “Please treat her nicely”. It sounded as if it was an arranged marriage. It’s killing me inside to say good bye to my beloved brothers and sisters*. It even brought me to tears. But I was also a bit excited about living in a new place.

*There is a theory suggesting that 広陵王璽(こうりょうおうじ), a gold seal found in Jiangsu Province of China in 1981, was created in the same factory where the gold seal 漢委奴國王 was made.

So, I traveled across the ocean and reached the Na County in Japan. There, I engaged in a duty called Fudei, a very important mission that only I could handle. Fudei is a secretarial job, making sure that the contents of parcels and letters will be kept confidential until it reached China. The good times didn’t last long. I was confined on an island called Shikanoshima for some reason. I was so lonely, and had nothing to do but sleep. I finally woke up after 1700 years; it was already the Edo period. It was when Jinbei, a farmer, found me in a rice field. Because of my distinguished cuteness, I was then offered to the lord of Fukuoka. So I lived in the castle of the Kuroda Family for a while. (The most famous person from the Kuroda family is Mr. Kanbei. Do you know him? I’ve never had a chance see him in person).

After the Edo period, I moved to Tokyo. I was selected as a national treasure in 1931, about 90 years ago from now. (It’s something like a beauty pageant.) I received a passionate job offer from Fukuoka in 1978, about 50 years ago. So, I took a bullet train* to return to Fukuoka. It was astonishingly fast! At first, I was working for the Fukuoka Art Museum, but I was relocated to the Fukuoka City Museum 30 years ago. (Even Mr. Yonekura of the Curatorial section, who is now 60 something years old, looked so cute at the time I came here!) Since then, I have been working as an idol of the museum. I’m so popular that I’m always on duty except on the museum’s official day off which is usually Monday. Everyone looks at me by putting their faces close to the showcase, and I feel a bit embarrassed.

*The Sanyo Shinkansen line extended to Hakata in 1975. We don’t know whether the gold seal was delivered by using the bullet train or not.

If you want to know more about Ms. Gold Seal, please check out the following links:

【Treasures of Fukuoka】No. 4 The Golden Seal “Kan-no Wanonano Kokuo 漢委奴国王” National Treasure


The Fukuoka City Museum at Home! Open 24/7!


【Treasures of Fukuoka】No. 12 Tachi, Long Sword “Nikkou Ichimonji” (National Treasure)

The Siege of Odawara (1590) was a definitive battle that made Hideyoshi Toyotomi the unifier of Japan. Yoshitaka Kuroda, who is also known as Kanbei or Josui, joined this battle with only 300 soldiers to support Hideoshi. It was Yoshitaka who settled the prolonged battle by persuading the Hojo Family to surrender.

The Hojo family was then having a long meeting to determine whether they should counter or surrender while surrounded by enemy forces. The historic meeting originated the phrase “Odawara Hyojo” (a meeting of Odawara), which refers to a meeting that doesn’t reach a conclusion after a long time.

Yoshitaka bravely entered Odawara Castle, in what is now Kanagawa Prefecture, in the defining moment, and successfully convinced Hojo Ujimasa and the Ujinao family to surrender the castle to Hideyoshi. Ujinao gave the sword Nikko-Ichimonji to Yoshitaka as a sign of appreciation for his help in communicating with Hideyoshi. According to the Kuroda Kafu (History of Kuroda family) written by Kaibara Ekiken, the sword was given to Yoshitaka together with the Hojo Shirogai, a trumpet shell, and the Azuma Kagami, a history book.

Long Sword Nikko Ichimonji Hilt, point and entire body

The license given to Kuroda Nagamasa from Hideyoshi on July 10th, right after the surrender of the Hojo family, suggests that the battle successfully ended thanks to Yoshitaka’s wit. Considering that the Siege of Odawara was the final battle before Hideyoshi unified Japan, it is safe to say that it was Yoshitaka who put an end to the warring states period which continued for 100 years. The Nikkou Ichimonji is a commemorative relic, which symbolizes this historical fact.

The Nikko Ichimonji had been enshrined in the Nikko Gongen Shrine, also known as the Nikko Futarasan Shrine in present day Gifu Prefecture, until it was bestowed to Hojo Souun, the first lord of the Hojo family. The sword has become the family treasure of the Hojo Family since then. Although it has no signature of the swordsmiths, it is a masterpiece of the Bizen Fukuoka Ichimonji School, having a clear sword mark called juka choji (multilayered clove shapes).

The wide and relatively thin blade retains the sword form of the old days.

On the front side of the blade, a reflection called utsuri is stretched diagonally from the bottom to the point, and the irregular sword marks called midare utsuri, are spread across on the blade.

On August 8th, 1623, about a month after Kuroda Nagamasa’s death, Kuroda Tadayuki, the second lord of the Kuroda Family, ordered Umetada Myoju, a metalsmith, to make sword fittings of uchigatana style for Nikko Ichimonji.

The order form precisely suggested how the sword should look like as follows:

●The two-ply metal collar should be made of pure Insu gold from China. The top of the collar must have an open work of paulownia crest.

●The Sword hilt washer with a jagged rim and a shitodome, a metal fitting to cover a hole for inserting sageo thread should be also made of kinsu gold.

●Fuchi, the hilt collar should be made of red bronze and must be nimen-fuchi design.

●The sheath should be made of sharkskin dyed in dark blue.

●The Kuroda family will provide a sword hilt, kogai, (a small knife-like object), koduka (a small sword) and a handguard.

●Kurikata and Kaeritsuno, (protrusions of the sheath to make sure the sword is hanged in the right position) and the pommel of the sword should be made of horn.

●Kojiri (a tip of a sheath) should be made of brass and be treated by Kusarakashi-te method.

Also, at the end of the order form, a description was stated “The sword fittings must be made to look exactly like the one for Heshikiri Hasebe”. (It doesn’t refer to the current sword fittings of Heshikiri Hasebe, which was made after the sword fittings of Atakigiri at the end of the Edo period.)

Unfortunately, the sword fittings for both Heshikiri Hasebe and Nikkou Ichimonji were no longer exist, but we can imagine how they looked like by reading those descriptions.

According to “Okura Ohitsugen Oshina Irikumi Cho”, a sword book of the Kuroda family at the end of the Edo period, Nikko-Ichimonji’s sheath was described as “The black sheath with purple sword strap” “Spare sheath in the same design” and it seems that the original sheath was already lost at this point. (The two black sheaths were also lost.)

Sword box grape-and-vine leaf motifs with its lid open

According to the History of Kuroda, the sword of Nikko Ichimonji, placed in this box was given to Nagamasa. The box is audaciously designed in a way that the grapevine is winding around the surface of the box. The  lacquer was also applied to the area which is hidden when the box is closed. This box is a real masterpiece that shows the distinguished skill of the craftsman everywhere.


【ふくおかの名宝】鑑賞ガイド 特別編 コクホー「漢委奴國王」金印ちゃん



国宝 金印を斜め上からみた写真


※註1 後漢の皇帝、光武帝の崩御は倭の使節への金印贈与と同年の西暦57年のことであった。


※註2 1981年に江蘇省で発見された広陵王璽こうりょうおうじ(金印)が「漢委奴國王」金印と同一工房で製作されたものという説がある。






※註3 山陽新幹線の博多への乗り入れは1975年のこと。 

(学芸課 あさおか)



福岡市博物館公式ホームページ 金印

福岡市博物館公式ブログ 【ふくおかの名宝】観賞ガイド④ 国宝 金印「漢委奴国王」


【ふくおかの名宝】観賞ガイド⑫ 黒田孝高が戦国時代に終止符を打った証し 北条家から贈られた伝家の宝刀 国宝 太刀  名物「日光一文字」



太刀「日光一文字」 左:茎、中:切先、右:全体




蓋をあけた状態で展示している 葡萄文蒔絵刀箱

『黒田家重宝故実(くろだけじゅうほうこじつ)』によると、葡萄文蒔絵刀箱(ぶどうもんまきえかたなばこ)に日光一文字の太刀を入れて氏直から贈られたとします。金蒔絵(きんまきえ)で箱の表面に葡萄の蔓(つる)が巻き付くように廻る大胆な構図です。印籠蓋(いんろうぶた)がかぶさる身の立ち上がりにも蒔絵が施されています。 見えない部分にも職人技が行き渡り、見事な作品です。

(学芸課 堀本)

国宝 太刀 名物「日光一文字」は、福岡市博物館開館30周年記念展「ふくおかの名宝」で展示中です。ともに国宝に指定されている葡萄文蒔絵刀箱も展示しています。また、「日光一文字」とともに北条家から贈られた ほら貝「北条白貝」と琵琶「青山」(ともに福岡市美術館蔵)もあわせて展示中です。